Monday 7 November 2016

Healing Frequencies

November 7th, 2016

Ok. I'm no science geek but, lately, I have found three areas of interest converging in my life.

1) I posted about the innovative treatments for concussions using light, sound, electrical stimulation and movement last week.

2) I also posted about the annoying presence of lice in our schools. After my daughters were contaminated at a sleepover this summer, I went Rambo on the beasties. I still check them every week, much to their chagrin and, as soon as they scratch their head, I am up and over them, scrutinizing their scalps. In short, I think I've lost my mind. They would agree. I hated those lice so much and I never want to go through that experience again.

3) Ever since I met with cancer survivors and interviewed them for the paper, I have been investigating alternative treatments. I watched, The Truth About Cancer and read about the use of marijuana, herbs, teas, energy therapies, oxygen therapy and essential oils.

So, the other day, my husband and I were driving to lunch and he laughed at my obsession with lice. I had recently watched The Nature of Things's special on concussion treatments. My husband and I were fantasizing about ways to kill lice. We imagined a hot cap that was safe for children but too hot for lice. He's a hairstylist and they have warm caps to help set hair dye so, the caps already exist, they just need to be warmer. Then we imagined a vacuum that would suction out the lice and nits. You'd just comb through and part the hair then suction the buggers out. My husband suggested that if we ate certain foods, it may make our blood taste bad to lice and they wouldn't attach to our scalps. Then, of course, is the solution of applying a substance to the scalp that the lice hate (like tea tree) so they would not attach to it. We eventually reached our destination and our conversation headed in a different direction.

That night, I had an idea while I slept. What if we could use a vibration to kill the lice? I shared this idea with my husband at breakfast. I said we could kill lice with a frequency. He was thinking that I meant a colour frequency. That may also be an approach, but I was talking about sound. I looked it up and found research done by Royal Raymon Rife in the 1930s. He was studying bacteria and disease. He found that a diseased cell had a different frequency from a healthy cell. He measured the frequency of diseased cells and found that he could cure just about any illness by changing its frequency or augmenting its frequency until it exploded. Here's the neat thing about it, the frequency would not harm any other cell because they are not vibrating at the same frequency.

Rife created a device to administer the correct frequency for various ailments, including cancer. There is a list of all the wealthy people who tried to buy this technology from Rife. In the end, his research and his inventions were suppressed. There is no money to be made in curing illnesses. Chronic and terminal illnesses generate so much money through pharmaceuticals.

If you visit this website,, you will see the frequencies that were documented for each organ in the body. Rife also identified the frequencies of diseases and catalogued them. His electrical devices which tune into the correct frequency and treat the diseased cells are still available for purchase today, long after his death. This is fascinating! I would love to find the lice frequency and treat every child in the school to obliterate those little buggers (the lice) once and for all.

For more information on the use of frequencies to heal the body, go to

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