Tuesday 2 February 2016

An Attitude of Gratitude

February 2nd, 2016

I feel so alive today. Now, it may be the delicious coffee I am drinking or the sun streaming into the dining room as I type, the Neurofeedback session from this morning or the anticipation of our day together as a family tomorrow (PD Day). I love days like these.

Yesterday, I was having a totally opposite day. I was tired and grumpy and everyone got on my nerves, including our pets. I have noticed a pattern. There is one day every month where I feel negative and nothing seems right. I doubt everything. It so happens that this occurs in the week prior to starting my period. You might wonder why I am sharing this. I have talked to other women who go through this same experience but they don't make the connection and, sometimes they make important decisions on those "off" days. Knowing in advance that this fluctuation happens and, more importantly, that it passes is important. You can just remind yourself that tomorrow will be better. When I am having one of these bad days I can't seem to summon up any gratitude at all even though I have so many reasons to be grateful. The very next day, like today, I recognize how lucky I am to be alive and healthy, I cherish my time with our daughters and have fun with my husband. Hello hormones!!

I have been writing ten things for which I am grateful every day since January 1st. I put the post it notes in a mason jar. My jar is full! The thing is, every day my list is about little things: synchronicity, special moments with our daughters or my husband or my mother, having a bath, hearing from a friend, a great workout at the gym, perfect driving weather for a road trip, a new business contract etc. It doesn't need to be complicated.

There are so many people to be grateful for every day. Our children go to an awesome school, Kemptville Public School. I have never once had to force my girls to get on the bus to school since they have been at KPS. That is such a relief and makes our mornings much more peaceful and pleasant. They have an amazing bus driver, Jennifer. She cares about the kids on her bus and she is just a genuine and sweet lady. My husband's business is thriving. He has wonderful clients who bring him food and make him laugh. He also has a reliable assistant with superb people skills, clients love her. I am able to do what I love from my home. My business and contacts are expanding at an increasing rate. My body is stronger and my brain is healing through Neurofeedback with Carol Williams who is talented and affordable. I could go on and on.

Just try to access gratitude, regardless of where you are at this point in your life and watch things manifest for you. Don't know where to start? Your body, it may be healthy or it could be ill but it's alive. Your loved ones. This amazing weather. Your job. If you are unemployed be grateful for all the people you know who may connect you to the right opportunity or for your skills that you are eager  to put to good use. Notice synchronicity happening in your life when the right people show up at the right time.

If you make it your intention to be grateful and you spend your day looking for reasons to be grateful and, you write everything down at the end of each day (you can even just jot it on your calendar), you will notice a shift in your energy and outlook, you will attract the right people and witness synchronicity in your life. Try it, it worked for me.

Anne Walsh

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