Thursday 7 July 2016


July 7th, 2016

A while back, I learned about a new app called Headspace. It was free. I had committed to practising mindfulness and this app was a great tool to get me started. Headspace provides 10 sessions lasting 10 minutes each. You are introduced to breathing, noticing sensations, accepting and releasing thoughts and, connecting to your inner stillness-the space between the thoughts.

I have struggled to meditate for years. I have these great intentions but it's hard to be undisturbed for ten minutes and I'm never sure if I am doing it right. I don't feel comfortable sitting with my spine straight (like someone is pulling a string from the top of my head). I decided to meditate lying down but I always fell asleep.

Headspace allowed me to devote a small amount of time every day to calming my mind. I wondered if ten minutes would be long enough to make any difference. I started noticing changes from day to day. My mind was more focused and my breath was getting deeper. I could also see a crossover between the acceptance of whatever thoughts and emotions came up during meditation and my general acceptance of things as they were in my regular life.

When the ten day trial was over, I had the option to purchase more sessions. I didn't. What I did was continue to listen to the first ten trial sessions over and over again. You still have access to them and there is no limit to how many times you play them. I don't feel the need to graduate to a more advanced level. Repeating the basics: breathe, notice sounds around you, feel your connection to the chair and the floor, focus on sensations in your body, see the thoughts ebb and flow, let them go, keep breathing are good enough for me.

My eldest daughter has been experiencing more anxiety at bed time. I used to play a hypnosis cd at night with messages of empowerment and self-esteem. She loved listening to the hypnotist and always drifted off within five minutes. We played the cd every night, it got well used and I needed to replace it every year. The last time I contacted the hypnotist for a replacement cd, she didn't respond. My daughter said it was ok. She had outgrown it. She was fine for over a year. Lately, however, she has not been able to drift to sleep on her own. Sometimes I have massage her back or read her inspirational stories. She also just likes to talk about her life. She asks; "Can we talk mama?". I generally say yes unless she has stayed up too late.

A few nights ago, I suggested she listen to Headspace. I have it on my iPhone and I listen to it with headphones before bed. She resisted the idea at first, she said it sounded lame. When I offered to listen to it with her, she decided to give it a try. By the time the ten minutes were up, she had drifted to sleep. I plucked the ear bud out of her ear (I was wearing one and she was wearing the other) and she didn't even wake up. Now she asks for it. She likes how relaxed she feels after only ten minutes. I suspect that she will eventually fall asleep before the ten minutes are up after a week or so. The Headspace man's voice will become a cue for sleep and relaxation.

If you have always wanted to try meditation, give this app a try. It has worked for me and is now helping my ten year old daughter get some rest.

Anne Walsh

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