Saturday 2 January 2016


Over the summer, I took my daughters out for ice cream on a weekly basis and we snacked throughout the day. When my daughters went back to school in the fall, I decided to focus on my health. It was time to get into a workout schedule and take a good look at my eating habits. I suffered a concussion following a car accident just over a year ago and, after a year of physio, I was ready to get my strong, healthy body back. I researched the gyms in my area and chose Anytime Fitness. I contacted them for a tour of their facility and requested a female fitness trainer. They matched me up with a trainer who had recovered from a concussion. She understood my symptoms and limitations and we got started. I have been working out for three months now and my confidence in my own body is growing. Initially, the workouts gave me headaches. Sometimes I would get dizzy. Catherine, my trainer, adjusted the exercises to lessen the strain on my neck. This helped me enjoy the workouts, knowing I would not be in pain.

This morning, I branched out and decided to join a Pound fitness class in Merrickville. I know and respect the instructir, Katie. She is a naturopath and I participated in her group cleanse a few years ago. She also organized mindfulness training with Louise and I thoroughly enjoyed those classes so I felt that I would not be disappointed. The classes are on for six weeks, at 8:30am on Saturday mornings. The roads were dry and I was up at 6:30am so I went for it. It was a beautiful, sunny drive up to Merrickville. I listened to the new Adele cd, signing along. What I wouldn't give to have her voice!

I was a bit nervous as I entered Ahimsa. I brought a water bottle, a yoga mat and running shoes. I wasn't sure if I would need anything else. We were encouraged to work out in bare feet because it provides better traction. Each participant was given two drum sticks. Katie provided an overview of the routine including a few modifications to protect our backs and knees. She did a "dry run" without the music then she turned on the music and we did a series of moves in squat position. It didn't take long for my heart rate to speed up. After a few sips of water, we did another routine with lunges. I was conscious that I needed to avoid jumping, it's one of the exercises that gives me an instant headache. Each time there was a "jumping jack" move, I would simply go up on my tippy toes. We finished the workout seated on our mats doing moves resembling Pilates. By the end of the workout, we were sweating and beat. The music kept me motivated and the drum sticks engaged my arms (just like in Drumfit). I was pleased with the workout. My body felt tired in a good way.

My goal is to lose 20 pounds. I'd love to reach my goal by the end of March, that is when we go to Florida as a family. We spend a great deal of time in the pool and on the beach. It would feel great to wear my swimsuit and look fit. Here is what has helped me so far:

1-Drinking water. I have never been a fan of cold water. I started challenging myself to drink three litres of water per day. I fill a one litre bottle with warm water right after breakfast and focus on drinking it by lunch time. Then I have another bottle with my lunch. I begin drinking my third bottle as I prepare the kids' bath and I finish it after I have put my daughters to bed.

2-Choosing food that is not processed. When I am hungry, I will eat cherry tomatoes, a banana, tuna and avocado, tomato soup, roasted, unsalted nuts etc. If there are ingredients I don't recognize on the label, I don't eat it.

3-I eat much less wheat. Instead of having whole wheat toast forbreakfast every day, I switch it up with oatmeal, rice cereal or eggs and I try to eat more salads and soups rather than pasta and bread.

4-I have been trying to flatten my belly with crunches but this exercise seems to push all the fat out so I look pregnant. This is because my abdomen muscles were pulled to each side during my second pregnancy. I felt defeated like there was nothing I could do. My physiotherapist told me about a surgery where they reconnect your stomach muscles. I really don't want to go through surgery but I don't want to look pregnant either. Strengthening my core with lunges, squats, pelvic tilts, hip extensions, scissor legs, doing the dead bug, bridges and planks has helped reduce the bulk around my midsection.

I titled this post, Fitness-4-2 because my husband has decided to join me on my quest to lose weight. Starting on January 4th when our daughters return to school, we will start working out in an attempt to lose 20lbs each by the end of March. This will make things easier. We will both be eating healthier and I will be working out at the gym while he meets with his trainer, Craig. I want to be agoid role model for our daughters so they make healthy food choices and lead an active lifestyle.

Here's to your health!
Anne Walsh


  1. Anne I love this blog! Keep it up. I know exactly what you mean about an injury changing your body and zapping your strength. I too am trying to focus on dropping the sugar, increasing the veggies and exercise. Slowly, since some things tend to get my back unhappy. I'll keep checking in on this though and keep writing.

  2. Thanks Lynn,
    I just saw this comment. We can cheer each other on, you and I. :)
