Thursday 10 November 2016

Book of the Week, Meditation Within Eternity

November 10th, 2016

I generally read one book per week. However, for some time now, I have been reading a book by Eric Pepin, Meditation Within Eternity. I read it because I saw a review of this book on Facebook and it was described as holding the key to experiencing deeper meditations. I have been struggling to create  a regular mediation practice. Like many other moms, I have a hard time finding some time to myself. I generally try to meditate right after the girls have gotten on the school bus or during my shower. At the end of the day, I am so tired that I fall asleep during the deep breathing exercises that precede the actual meditation. I thought this book might hold the key.

The book is really intense and I tried to stay focused but found my mind drifting. It's one of those deep books with profound concepts that take some time to wrap your mind around. Pepin explains that we often meditate in order to calm our bodies but that we shouldn't be focusing on our bodies because it holds us down in this realm. What we need to do is realize that we are energy and this body is simply a container that relays sensory information to us so we can experience life on earth. If we are trying to reach higher realms, we need to free ourselves from our bodies.

He introduces the reader to the concept of frequencies. Our non-physical, energy self is at a higher frequency. We need to practice meditation in order to access higher frequencies, it's a progressive process. Eric compares this to changing lanes on a highway and how we need to accelerate in order to get to the far lane. Our vibration needs to match higher realms in order for us to change lanes. We learned that our energy gets stored in objects and spaces like when you walk into a room and feel that someone just had a fight in there. We affect each other with this energy. One person smiles at you, changes your mood, you smile at the next person and the chain reaction goes on. Our emotions are  reflected in our energy fields which far surpass our physical bodies. In this way, people can be drawn to us, repelled by us or even be changed by ur very presence. In order to transform negative energy trapped in a space or object, we can move objects around or think pleasant thoughts while being in the room or holding the object. We can also create a positive experience to replace the old associations.

We then learn to differentiate between the brain which is physical and the mind which is energy. When you control the brain, the part that distracts you during meditation, you will expand your mind, meaning your awareness and soul. We need to be removed from our busy, rushed world to make space for contemplation, to figure out who we are inside. As we learn to escape the confines of our body during meditation, we return to our state as energy. Our thoughts create our frequency. If we think negative thoughts, it becomes harder for us to achieve higher states.

The book teaches us to sit in half-lotus and focus on three of the chakras, touching each one with our fingers in order to stay rooted there. As we spend time on each chakra, exploring it, we help the energy flow throughout our bodies, aligning all the chakras. The third eye chakra helps us develop our psychic abilities, opening us up to the universe and different ways of knowing. I was very excited to learn these techniques but, at the end of the book, there is simply an invitation to visit the book's website to be guided through a meditation.

While the concepts in this book provide food for thought, it is advertised as a 'how-to' book, showing you how to meditate. This is false. There is a great deal of jargon and description of what will happen to you or what is available to you once you reach a higher level of meditation but there is very little information on how to get there. I was very disappointed in the book. I will practice what I learned on pages 114-117 and will visit the website to try the meditation but the amount of time I devoted to reading this book has not brought me closer to deeper meditation. This is a book about energy, a new way to see the universe, our relationship with God and our role in the grand scheme of things. Meditation is not the focus of this book. I shared the book with two other spiritual people for whom I have a great deal of respect. Neither of them could stick with the book. They had no interest in borrowing it when I was done. Eric is the founder of the Higher Balance Institute ( You can also find his videos on You Tube.

I will work on creating the time and space I need to practice his process and I'll let you know how it turns out.

Anne Walsh

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