Wednesday 30 November 2016

Book of the Week: How The Secret Changed My Life

November 30th, 2016

I don't recall reading The Secret when it first came out. I saw a video and heard people talking about it. I did read The Magic which teaches us to be grateful as a way to elevate our frequency in order to manifest our goals. I did The Magic's 28 day challenge and I was amazed at how my life changed. I would get up every day and write ten things I was grateful for in my journal. The key was to not only write what I was thankful for but why. The why helps you feel the emotion behind your gratitude. So, writing that I am happy to be healthy becomes more concrete when I write that my health allows me to be present for my children, take care of them and watch them grow up. I also got into the habit of writing Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! after each gratitude. There was a different energy to my life during those 28 days. I had just released my Have You Hugged Your Alien? book, it was self-published and I only ordered a small quantity because I was basically printing copies for myself, to use during workshops and sell to teachers. The book exploded, I sold out, parents, teachers and therapists were ordering it and my workshops took off. I was invited to speak on radio and tv shows and I was totally unprepared.

I got very busy and, even though I always end the day giving thanks for whatever happened that day, I fell out of the habit of weaving gratitude into my every day life. How The Secret Changed My Life by Rhonda Byrne, caught my attention. The cover had the trademark wax seal with the letter S stamped in the middle. I immediately recognized it and purchased the book. As I read stories of people who had stories similar to the one I had a few years ago, I felt my own energy start to fine tune itself. I was feeling that electric surge again. Things in my life were getting easier. I coupled the journalling about what I am grateful for with my vision for 2017.

This past fall, I attended a publishing bootcamp and was taught to write my "heart's desire" list every day. I repeat many of the same items every day. There is usually a new item or something gets re-worded but it's generally the same idea. You write your list in the present tense as if it has already happened. You focus only on what you want to attract into your life. The list should be as specific as possible.

The Secret taught me to really experience the items on my list, thinking about how it would feel, smell, look and sound to manifest this. So I create vision boards, write affirmations and design visualizations of my life in 2017. How The Secret Changed My Life came into my life at the best time. I am working on my new book, The Mommy Monologues. I need to feel confident that people will come forward to share their stories and that my book will get published. I have no idea how people will hear about my book or how it will make it to the bestseller's list but I don't have to worry about the "how". For now, I picture the book in my hands by Mother's Day 2017. I see it as a bestseller. I imagine myself donating funds to two charities that are on my mind and in line with the message in the book.

Practicing gratitude, having a plan and anticipating how great it will feel to reach my goals is not difficult and doesn't require that much energy. I can, however, attest to the shift that happens when I apply these practices. I feel happier, my relationships are more positive and, through synchronicity, I seem to meet the right people at the right time. Works for me!

Anne Walsh

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