Tuesday 8 November 2016

The Booming Sex Toy Industry

November 8th, 2016

So there I was, standing with my basket full of groceries at the checkout, wondering what to write about today. The US election? Nah! The amazing interviews I am having with a variety of truly heroic moms? Keep it for the book. I got to my car and was driving home, the sun shining on this beautiful day. Then it hit me. I am going to write about sex toys. Gone are the days of women lying still, missionary style, waiting for their husbands to finish. I was certain that there was an article out there proving what I know to be true, women are more openly sexual than ever and are looking for ways to add spice to their life.

Bingo! I did a google search and found an article in Forbes magazine about the explosion of this industry (http://www.forbes.com/sites/janetwburns/2016/07/15/adult-expo-founders-talk-15b-sex-toy-industry-after-20-years-in-the-fray/#162991e638a1). Apparently, sex toys used to be sold to men in addition to their videos in adult novelty shops. Thanks to Sex and the City and Fifty Shades of Grey, women are more bold in expressing their desire for additional stimulation and novelty.

Some of the innovations in this field include pretty packaging that appeals to women, as well as pink and purple coloured toys, waterproof products to help with cleaning and usage at bath time, better textures so it feels like real skin and, access to a huge inventory via the internet. Using social media has helped this industry reach people they couldn't market to through traditional advertising. Technology helps women charge their equipment with a USB cable and empowers women with a stronger motor and more choices as far as the sensations they want; vibrate, pulse, tap etc.

In this article, they look toward the future and suggest that we might be able to purchase products with a memory which means it will do what you want in whatever sequence you'd like and remember these preferences for future use. There was also talk of remote control technology so you can stimulate your partner from a distance.Vin and I had a good laugh about this one, speculating the many ways we could use this to torture each other (in a positive way).

Not only is this a growing industry, "it stands as a $15 billion market segment, with projections that it will surpass $50 billion by 2020” but it also a generous industry donating millions to charities such as CalExotic's partnership "with the nonprofit organization Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) to create Inspire. Inspire is a collection of female-centric products whose sales benefit LBBC."

I have heard of sex toy parties and when I googled this I found that there are many companies offering this service. I was never invited to any of these parties but I imagined candid conversations, bottles of wine and giggling. I am glad that I live at a time where women can be empowered to express their healthy sexuality with a partner or on their own. It's about time!

Anne Walsh

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