Wednesday 14 September 2016

Book of the Week-E2 by Pam Grout

September 14th, 2016

Over the Summer holidays, I read E2 by Pam Grout. I have read plenty of books on quantum physics and the art of manifesting but this book was different. The author is fun to read but, more importantly, she provides experiments to prove once and for all that we are all energy and that we affect the energy of people and objects in our environment.

Animals are great teachers. They have an immediate reaction to people before they have even interacted. I watch my dog and cat whenever we have someone over for the first time. Sometimes they'll go over and cuddle, other times they stay away. I once saw my dog growl when a man came over to give us a quote for some renovations. The fur stood up on her back. I did not take this lightly.

We were all intuitive at one time. As children, we sensed the energy of the people around us and responded without censoring ourselves. I recall sitting on a man's lap at the bus station. I just walked over and sat on his lap. I think he was homeless. It felt very natural and I sensed that he needed some love. I only felt scared when I saw the look on my mother's face. She was looking a bit pale and asked me to come with her. I said goodbye to my new friend and hopped off his lap.

As we get older, we learn to ignore our gut and overlook signs that we are in danger, that a job isn't right for us or that we shouldn't trust the salesman trying to sell us life insurance. We not only numb ourselves to the reaction we have to others, we also send signals to the universe without realizing it. There are so many books on the power of positive thinking or explaining how to attract more money, men or health. We affirm and visualize to achieve our goals.

This book goes one step further. It takes us through nine experiments to show the direct result between our thoughts, the energy or frequency of these thoughts and their impact on our life. The first challenge involves requesting a sign from the universe within 48 hours. The second experiment proves that the world is a mirror. It reflects our expectations. My daughters and I set the intention of seeing green cars for the next 48 hours. I have never seen so many shades of green. My daughters got a kick out of it. They have repeated this experiment with other colours.

Then, I asked my mother to bring over her wire hangers and we tried the following exercise. You unwind the wire, attach a straw to the bent end and think about something you love while holding a hanger in each hand. Then you switch to focusing on something you hate. Negative thoughts shrink your energy and your hangers fold into one another. Love expands your energy, pushing the ends of each hanger away from each other. We used this activity just before my daughters started school. They were afraid of getting mean teachers or being in a class away from their friends. I asked them to draw a picture of themselves surrounded by their best friends and a smiling teacher. They didn't think it would work. Watching the impact of their thoughts on the hangers opened up their minds to new possibilities.

The most exciting activities came next. The reader is asked to set an intention and focus on manifesting one desire within 48 hours. I focused on manifesting an opportunity to make money through my writing. Within 24 hours, I saw a Facebook ad for a free conference to help writers publish their book and make money from their book.

Another challenge involves consulting the universe for guidance by asking yes or no questions. I was wondering whether or not to get chickens this year. I have been wanting to get chickens for three years now. My friend, Meredith, was raising chics so this was the perfect year to do it. I had a barn stall so I didn't need to build a chicken coop. However, the guy who was supposed to build the chicken run kept coming to the house when I was out and, here's the kicker, Meredith e-mailed me to say that what she thought were chickens were roosters. I don't want a rooster, that answers my question. Easy peasy!

The sixth experiment involved planting rosemary and focusing only on the herbs on the right side of the planter. Once again, I got the girls involved and we sent positive vibes, sang to and, said compliments to the herbs on the right side. Guess which side grew taller, faster and thicker? I really enjoyed the next experiment, it involved losing weight. People used to bless their food. The premise is that when we eat mindlessly, our food doesn't have as much positive impact as it could on our body. You weigh yourself on Day 1 and focus on your food, thanking it for its nourishment and really savouring it. You weigh yourself at the end of Day 3. You should notice a tiny shift in your weight. I saw a four pound difference.

The eighth activity challenges the reader to send a message to someone telepathically in order to get a response from them. This was a no-brainer. My mother and I are totally connected. I was thinking of her and headed down the stairs to get the phone and call her. My intention was to ask her if she suddenly thought of me. However, before I could reach the bottom of the steps, the phone rang. Guess who was calling?

Last but not least, I focused on gratitude, writing all the blessings in my life. There was some movement as a result of this. I was waiting on answers from a few people. I had e-mailed them and hadn't heard back. The answers all came in on the same day like some hold button had been released.

You may not believe that your thoughts have any impact on your environment. You may think, like many others, that you are victim of circumstances. I have tried these experiments for myself. I challenge you to try any of these experiments and watch what happens. What have you got to lose?

Anne Walsh

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