Thursday 29 September 2016


September 29th, 2016

I am curious. I like learning about different schools of thought whether I'm studying psychology, religion, nutrition or healing practices. I believe that we are more than just our bodies and that our emotions are energy. I can see how getting stuck in difficult emotions like anger, frustration, rage, helplessness, sadness, loneliness etc can create energy blockages in our physical bodies. We all sense the energy of people as we approach them. We are drawn to certain people while others make us feel unsettled or unsafe.

I have been reading about the tradition of Smudging. The basic idea is that herbs are burnt and their smoke is used to cleanse people, spaces or tools. It can also be used to communicate with spirits or to heal a body. I had only ever heard of sage being used to repel negative energies from homes after an illness, a death or an argument. However, I discovered that other herbs such as tobacco, cedar, lavender and sweet grass can also be used.

From, I learned that feathers are used to dispense the smoke because birds are seen as being closer to the Creator therefore their feathers help bring our smoke up to the heavens. The same site talks about the use of smudge sticks as well as dried herbs in bowls. I prefer the idea of a smudge stick, you light the end and move it around the room or person. It seems more solid, easier to control and direct so the smoke goes where you want.

This article by the Aboriginal Mutli-Media Society,, explains that women who have their period cannot pick the herbs for ceremonies or participate in ceremonies. It also informs the reader that you should not buy the herbs for the ceremony. You are supposed to pick it or trade for it with someone else. You can each buy the herbs you need but use the other person's herbs while s/he uses yours.

I like the thought of using herbs to say thank you. Tobacco is often offered to the Creator as a thank you or to the leader of a ceremony in respect and gratitude. Each herb has a specific purpose.
On, we learn about the specific properties and uses of four herbs.

Tobacco is said to be the most sacred of herbs and it is used to communicate with spirits. You must start with a positive intention and communicate this intention as you offer your tobacco to an elder or burn it and send its smoke up to the Creator.

Sweet Grass is a feminine herb, often braided, and used to bring calm, heal and purify. The website says each strand of the braid represents a different aspect of Mother Earth, love, kindness and honesty.

Sage is stronger and I learned that there is male and female sage. It is more of a medicine. This is the herb I heard most about for its abilities to release negative energy from people and places. You can drink sage tea to reap its healing properties.

Cedar is a disinfectant, a protector. You can drink it in a tea to heal your body of infection.

I checked out the benefits of sage tea on the following website,

Sage is used to treat sore throats and coughs, perfect timing as I have had a cough for a few days. It can help curb the flow of menstrual bleeding or decrease perspiration. It has been used to treat asthma and gum infections.

Cedar tea is used to prevent and stop colds and flus. This site,, claims that Elders keep a pot of cedar tea at hand all Winter. As I was reading about cedar, I learned that its oil can be used as an insecticide. I wonder if it would work in the treatment of head lice.??? So many cases in schools right now. Worth a try.

Anne Walsh

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