Tuesday 21 June 2016

Financial Freedom-A Vision

June 21st, 2016

Ever since I read Julie Ann Cairns' book, The Abundance Code, I have felt a strong determination to change the way I see money, how I feel about it and use it in my life. I contacted the author to ask if she could recommend a Canadian finance professional to help me make some important decisions. Her book helped me understand my own financial pitfalls created by my upbringing but I still needed the tools to make important decisions. She didn't know anyone in Canada but she suggested I check out Ann Wilson, The Wealth Chef.

I looked her up and, as impressive as her profile was, all I could think of was that she lives in the UK. How can she help me if she doesn't know the laws in my country? Ann has a free online academy so I decided to watch her videos and join her online community. I had nothing to lose. I felt that I might as well learn what I could from her as I looked for a professional in my area. This is because I was assuming that I would need someone else to tell me what to do. I am just completing week 2 of her 4 week program and I realize that I need to learn the tools of financial management so I can make these decisions based on my own goals and values.

What I have learned so far is not specific to Canada or the UK, it's information that anyone can use regardless of location. Ann teaches you to think differently about your money. Instead of focusing on how much money you make and trying to earn more, she shows you how to cut down on your liabilities and build up your assets. If you only have income and you don't transfer it into assets, you have to keep generating that income, especially if you have lots of expenses to pay off. I am so eager to learn her tips and I have come to respect her a great deal. She shares her knowledge with people who don't have a clue about money, like me, for free.

One of the steps in her program is all about designing a Financial Freedom Vision. This is what you would like to do with the money you make from your assets, the lifestyle you could create with your growing wealth. I will share my vision with you and I urge you to create your own. What would you do if you had plenty of money and you knew you would never run out of it?

My dream is to rent out our house and buy an RV. I would plan out a route from our home, driving through Ogdensburg, NY and into the warmer States. We would pack up the children, the pets and maybe my mother if she wanted to join us. We would stock up on the food we love, the girls could bring some toys and home comforts. We'd document our journey through writing, photography and mini videos as we met people from various locations, tasted different food and visited local landmarks. I can imagine us having so much fun as a family, creating memories together, learning about other cultures along the way. I would ask my daughters' teachers if we could Skype in weekly so the girls could share what they have learned with the class. I would schedule stops in communities once a month via Facebook to collect Mommy Monologue stories from local women and offer free art experiences for children. My husband could bring his motorbike (hitched to the back of the RV) and go on small excursions, exploring surrounding areas, looking for fun things to do. I imagine us talking, playing, laughing and getting in lots of hugs as a family as we explore the USA. On our way back in the Spring, we would drive through Canada and do the same thing here. In my mind, we leave January 10th after celebrating my daughter's birthday with friends and we return on May 10th.

In order to achieve my goal, I need to set up some passive income, otherwise, we can only go away for two weeks at a time. Thanks to Ann Wilson, I believe this is possible and, pretty soon, I'll have the knowledge I need to make it happen. If you want to stop working harder just to make ends meet, check out Ann Wilson, The Wealth Chef, and start your own journey toward financial freedom.

Anne Walsh

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