Wednesday 8 June 2016

I Got the Music in Me

June 8th, 2016

Listen to a song from your childhood and you are immediately transported back in time. Music (and smells) have that power. Music can alter your mood and help you heal faster. I recall the year I was hired to co-run a daycare. I was loving my job for two days and then I went down hard with some kind of flu. They told me everyone who starts working with children gets this flu, it's your body's response to the abundance of germs all hanging out in one place. I slept all day for two days in a row. Then, I decided to listen to music on my "walkman". By the end of Side A of my cassette tape, I was up and dancing. I knew I was on the mend. I know from experience that listening to some really engaging music can lead to a speeding ticket-it was worth it. I have watched the power of music transform older adults on a dementia unit from lethargic to engaged and, non-verbal residents to karaoke artists. I have used music in my work with children to get their energy out (with a fast  tempo) then help them relax through a slow, instrumental soundtrack.

In my workshops with adults, I often have them create a collage of their intention then we visualize how it would look if their intention was manifested. We top it all off by associating a soundtrack with the feeling of this manifestation. I have used this myself whenever I set goals. I would love for you to experience the power of music to keep you in the feeling of your intentions for the months ahead. Let's try it together.

We have many dimensions to our lives: finances, family, work, growth, friendship, spiritual, health etc. Rate your level of satisfaction from 1-10 for each segment of your life. You may have different sections than the ones named above, please choose your own names for each category.

Next, choose the area you feel most needs your attention (lowest satisfaction rating).

Third, identify your intention for that area of your life, make it specific and concrete. E.g. I will lose 15 pounds before Christmas so I feel confident enough to go swimming with the kids during our trip or I will apply to five new jobs each week until I find something fulfilling that uses my skills. Notice that both examples contain four parts:

1-An action statement, I will
2-A concrete measurement, 15 pounds or five jobs
3-A timeline, before Christmas or each week
4-A payoff, swimming with the children or a fulfilling job

Write your own intentional statement then gather images from Google images, magazines or your own photos to show what your life would be like if you manifested your intention. You could also draw, paint or sculpt it. Once you have a visual for your intention, try to engage all your sense. What would you hear, see, feel, smell or taste if you were living this manifestation? Use your imagination to live this reality in your mind. Give it a descriptive title like Anne's Hot Bod for the Holidays or Living My Bliss! Finally, choose a soundtrack that matches the emotions of living this dream. Buy the song on iTunes or google it on You Tube and play it at least once a day. You'll see that even when you don't feel energized and are doubting yourself, just playing the song will bring you right back to the positive emotional state you associate with the manifestation of your intention.

Good luck! I'd love to hear examples of how people have applied this activity. Please feel free to e-mail me.

Anne Walsh

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